Working groups & committees

Working groups are designed to bring together individuals possessing the relevant knowledge and skills and will act collectively to undertake assigned tasks and activities in order
to achieve EUDY’s objectives. Committees are independent bodies which functions are to assist the work of EUDY such as providing assistance and guidance, monitoring the progress and resolving conflicts. These bodies are established by the General Assemblies and the committee members are elected by the delegates.


European Deaf Youth ∞ (EDY∞) is a focus group for LGBTQIA+ Deaf youth in Europe, aiming to raise awareness, educate, empower and stand up for those who identify as LGBTQIA+. This focus group plays a significant role in sharing relevant information that is accessible to the Deaf LGBTQIA+ community, as well as providing useful and adaptable tools to challenge multiple forms of LGBTQIAphobia and LGBTQIA+ discrimination that often go unnoticed in every day life.




Ubuntu European Deaf Youth (UEDY) is a focus group for young deaf BIPOC in  Europe. With a philosophy on unity and elevation. We aim to educate, elevate & empower Black, Indigenous and Youth Of Colour by strengthen identities and creating a  safe space within EUDY, its member organisations and the European youth community. 

This focus group also plays a significant role in empowering young people in the European Deaf Community with information and tools in sign language.


A individual assigned to support EUDY in enhancing the youth image and providing an unique insight of the thoughts of the Deaf community under the age of 23.



Elias Stuifzand  

An independent body of 3 individuals elected by the General Assembly for hunting for potential board candidates and overseeing the board elections supervised by the Full Members.Annie Memoli     Eva Brenelière    Rosy Perrazza