Make It Work!

Employment of Deaf Youth in Europe
The European Union of the Deaf Youth participates in the Erasmus+ KA2 project ‘Make it Work!’. (KA220-YOU – Cooperation partnerships in youth, 2021-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000028637)

Project duration: 28/02/2022 – 28/02/2024

Project coordinator: Associazione Ergon a favore dei Sordi (Italy).
Partners: Lithuanian Centre for the Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (Lithuania), Centre Of Greek Sign Language (Greece) and The Special School and Educational Centre for the Deaf, Janusza Korczaka, (Poland) 
The aim of the project is to develop project results – tools and training materials – designed to provide access to employment regulations in an inclusive and accessible way for Deaf young job seekers. With the products of the project, Deaf young job seekers will be able to access employment information in sign language and accessible written form to use in their daily working lives.

There will be a platform with digital resources available in five different sign languages and languages (International sign & English, Lithuanian Sign Language & Lithuanian, Greek Sign Language & Greek, Italian Sign Language & Italian and Polish Sign Language & Polish), which Deaf young job seekers can use the project outputs to exercise self-determination in their employment relationships and working lives. Also, training and materials will be provided for youth workers to support the social and professional inclusion of the young Deaf job seeker. 

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