EU Commission’s 6 priorities

EUDY implemented impactful initiatives aligned with the priorities of the EU Commission in its work plan 2023. These endeavors included empowering youth, advocating for climate action, and promoting digital transformation. Within this framework, we produced a video highlighting our diverse activities and furnished descriptions of our efforts corresponding to each of the six priorities outlined below.


1. The European Green Deal:

As part of our Vision, Strategic and Action plan (VSA) for 2022 – 2026, EUDY prioritizes attention on promoting sustainability within the Deaf community, aligning with the goals of the European Green Deal. Our advocacy efforts aim to make resources about climate change accessible, and the theme of our camps revolves around the idea of ‘Deaf Youth Be Green’.


EUDY Junior Camp: Our Junior Camp serves as a place where 13-17 years old young participants gain knowledge, including sustainability education through workshops and activities, providing young Deaf individuals with the opportunity to become more environmentally conscious and inspired.

EUDY Youth Camp: Through our Youth Camp, young Deaf leaders are engaged in environmental awareness and advocacy. Participants support the green agenda, advocating for change in their communities and beyond with accessible resources. They gain knowledge about sustainability and tools to become more environmentally conscious in their efforts.


Deaf Climate Action KA2 Project: EUDY partners with  four other organizations to create resources for the Deaf community to tackle climate change, empowering them to advocate for inclusive policies and environmental justice.


2. A European fit for the digital age

EUDY strives to enhance its organizational capabilities with digital trends and technology, which have helped streamline operations and broaden our reach to a wider audience in Europe through online channels. 


EUDYnesdays: Due to the evolution of social media culture, EUDY has seized on the opportunity to host regular live sessions on Instagram, addressing significant topics relevant to our work or the European Deaf Community, including the Deaf Youth. This year, EUDY successfully organized three different livestreams.


What’s Up Meetings: Each board member maintains regular contact with a group of countries by scheduling online meetings on selected dates. The digital age has facilitated smoother communication between the organization and its members.


Kick-off Meeting: To conclude the year 2023, EUDY hosted a kickoff meeting for our member organizations via Zoom to celebrate the outcomes of the year 2023 with the aim of implementing the EU commission’s priorities and explain our work plan for 2024.


EXGA Online: EUDY has been organizing some of General Assemblies online since the COVID-19 pandemic began. Since then, most member organizations have sought advice from EUDY. In November 2023, we took advantage of the opportunity to hold an Extraordinary General Assembly online for necessary changes in our statutes and define the date for the EUDY General Assembly in Norway 2024.


#UEDYWP2022 Webinar: As a result of a project initiated in 2022, the BIPOC focus group, ”Ubuntu European of Deaf Youth”, presented the website resource on anti-racism, educational videos and tools during the webinar.


3. An Economy that Serves the People

In line with the EU Commission’s priorities, EUDY emphasizes the importance of Deaf and Hard of Hearing young people having quality jobs and working in deaf-friendly work environments.


Make it work! KA2 Project: As a result of the Make it Work! Project, EUDY along with four other organizations, have successfully disseminated the survey report, E-toolkit, and Guidebook for Professional Services, all geared towards improving the labor market opportunities for young Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals.


4. A stronger Europe in the world

From this perspective, EUDY emphasizes the importance of balanced representation across different continents on the global stage.


WFDYS General Assembly in South Korea: Representing EUDY at the World Federation of the Deaf Youth Camp and General Assembly has allowed us to share Europe’s perspective and values on the global stage.


5. Promoting our European way of living

According to the EU Commission’s priorities, EUDY values the EU’s advocacy for justice and upholding its core values.


European Youth Event in Strasbourg, France: Representing EUDY alongside a group of Deaf youth at the European Youth Event in Strasbourg, France, gave us valuable insight into how the rule of law, politics, and human rights, all core EU values, apply to our everyday work.


European Deaf Youth Capital in Nantes, France: !VIVA! Nantes, a Deaf Youth Club in Nantes, hosted the 3rd edition of the European Deaf Youth Capital (EDYC) event, a public festival spotlighting the talents of Deaf Youth with various stand-up performances, panel discussions, and workshops.


European Youth Forum General Assembly in Berlin, Germany: Representing EUDY at its umbrella organization’s, the European Youth Forum’s Council of Members Meeting (COMEM) demonstrated that the ‘voices’ of Deaf Youth are included in discussions and decision-making processes on the European level.


6. A new push for European democracy

Aligned with the priorities of the EU Commission, EUDY recognizes the importance of preventing disinformation and online hate speech accessible in sign language.


Project Cyberbullying: Through this project, we aim to alert our member organizations, some of which are partners in the project, a wake-up call and demonstrate the essential need to protect our democracy and society against disinformation and online hate speech.


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
