What is EUDY ?

The only one organisation for Deaf young people in Europe.
Our working languages are English and International Sign. It is important to point out that there are different national sign languages, depending on the country/regions of the country.
There are 31 national sign languages in the European Union, compared to 24 spoken languages. Deaf people can encounter communication barriers if they do not know the sign language of the other person, just as this would be the case with hearing people.
An interim solution has been formed in the form of International Sign, this is often used at international/transnational/European meetings of Deaf people
and it is also intended that this happens within this project. In addition, it must be said that International Sign is not an official language and is primarily used as a means of communication through pre-agreed gestures.

Background information
European Union of the Deaf Youth (EUDY) is a European Non-Governmental Organisation for, by, and of young deaf persons, promoting and supporting the interests of all young deaf persons in Europe.
To achieve our aims, EUDY encourages the active co-operation between national organisations of the deaf young people in Europe and the promotion and co-ordination of European-wide activities for the deaf young people and their representative organisations. It also represents the deaf young people at
the European Union level for the purpose of addressing the interests of the deaf young people in the decision making process along with the policy makers and other stakeholders.
Youth Work
EUDY’s main field of work is Youth work and tries to enhance the youth work in Europe, by providing training accessible for all deaf young people and a network between national organisations of the deaf young people. Currently it has three staff members; two full time and one freelancer. It has been hosting and supporting various mobilities under the scope of Erasmus+, therefore this is a very valuable partner
to add to the Youth aims of this project. EUDY has been providing tools for Deaf youth organisations for a long time.
Not only is EUDY enhancing Youth work by collaborating with its member organisations, EUDY also offers activities for Deaf young people, which is very beneficial for many Deaf young people across Europe as they do not always have the opportunity for transnational youth exchanges. EUDY provides a platform by organising camps in three different age categories: 9-12 years old, 13-17 years old and 18-30 years old. Organising a camp happens in close collaboration with the host organisation, which is
EUDY’s Full Member. Through our General Assemblies those host organisations are selected.

EUDY also partners with Frontrunners, an international leadership training program based in Denmark, the World Federation of the Deaf Youth Section, the global representative of Deaf young people, the European Forum of Sign Language Interpreters, an ENGO dedicated to defend the rights of sign language interpreters and the European Deaf Students’ Union, an ENGO for the rights of Deaf students. Its Board, staff and pool of trainers and experts are all deaf persons aged between 18 and 30 years old.
Moreover, the youth of today are the future adults of tomorrow thus in total there is a high amount of young persons who can be (in)directly reached through EUDY actions, since there are 800 000 Deaf sign language users in the European Union (EUD Sign Language Legislation Book 2012). The board members, including its president, are elected by the General Assembly.